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SIT ON IT, FONZIE: Henry Winkler Wonders if Netanyahu Is Intentionally Extending War Against Hamas


It is not really surprising that many in the acting world are joining with the rest of the left in turning on Israel, or even turning a blind eye to the antisemitism happening in America. It is what their 'team' is doing so, naturally, many who don't really know what they are talking about jump on that bandwagon. The real courage being shown in Hollywood is by those who refuse to be bullied into joining that team, like Patricia Heaton, Rob Schneider, Jon Lovitz, and many more like them. Even (and we can't believe we're saying this) Michael Rapaport, in his foul-mouthed way, has shown more solidarity with Jews and Israel than almost all of his peers. 


But it IS a bit surprising to see Henry Winkler, of all people, join the 'blame Israel' team. While Winkler has always been of the left, this is a man whose parents escaped Nazi Germany more than 80 years ago. His uncle, who was supposed to escape with them, never made it out and was executed during the Holocaust.

So, it was more than a little disappointing yesterday to see Winkler pose this awful question on Twitter about Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

Wow. We're not sure where to begin with that, other than to say that it's obvious Winkler is very uninformed about what is happening in Israel. And that's about as charitable as we can be.

We could start with the fact that, despite the left's attempts to demonize Netanyahu, Israel is being led right now by a unity government and war cabinet, including Netanyahu's chief political rival (and Israel's likely next PM) Benny Gantz.

There's also the fact that if Israel wanted to wipe out Hamas in a weekend, they could. They are prosecuting the war slowly to MINIMIZE civilian casualties. Despite all of the screams of 'genocide,' Israel's civilian casualty versus Hamas casualty ratio is better than most any other urban warfare engagements (including those conducted by the United States). 


Israel's biggest obstacle in this war is not their enemy on the battlefield. It is pro-Hamas organizations like the United Nations and feckless Western leaders like Joe Biden tying their hands behind their backs. 

Winkler doesn't seem to be aware of any of these facts or factors. He just says things that the left will pat him on the back for. 

Fonzie has truly jumped the shark. 

There's another good fact. If the Israeli people are unhappy with Netanyahu about anything, it is that he is not going hard ENOUGH against Hamas. 

The rest of that tweet concludes, '... have the luxury of opening their mouth and making a situation worse than it is. Used to have respect for you, but that’s out the door. Absolutely disgusting.'


We think there is a high possibility of that. 

No lies detected there. 

Another extended tweet that ends with, ''I’m a nebbishy self-hating Jew, but don’t blame me, blame Bibi.' Plus, you’re now retweeting John Cusack, an Israel hater? Can you go back to posting pics of trout if you can’t say a supportive thing about the Jewish people and Israel?'

There was an expletive at the end there that we didn't include, but you get the picture. 


It's worth remembering that The Fonz had his 'office' in the men's toilet on Happy Days. Which is fitting, since that's exactly where Winkler's tweet belongs. 

To be fair, a message that dumb probably calls for bad grammar. 

The thought process doesn't go much further than 'Benji BAD.' This is not surprising when you consider that most of these people have lived for the past several years under the complicated philosophy of 'Orange Man BAD.'

It really is amazing how so many on the left have completely memory-holed how this war began in the first place. 



You tell him, Superman. 

The depressing aspect of Winkler's tweet -- other than his pure ignorance -- is that, for the most part, he dedicates his Twitter account to things that will help bring people together: funny animal videos, music appreciation, supporting people going through struggles, and much more along those lines. 

He really should stick with that. Because what he tweeted out yesterday about Israel and Netanyahu is nothing short of shameful. 

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