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OOF: Jeffrey Toobin's Twitter Follow Request Shows ZERO Self-Awareness and Raises EVERY Red Flag

Sarah D.

There is a great moment at the end of the classic baseball movie Bull Durham when Annie Savoy narrates the following, famous line: 'The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self-awareness.'


In the movie, she was talking about the dimwitted, but super-talented pitcher, Ebbie Calvin 'Nuke' LaLouche. 

In real life, she might as well have been talking about CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin. Despite ... ahem ... pulling a very inappropriate stunt on a CNN Zoom call, which he will never and should never live down, Toobin continues to be employed by CNN and appear on that network's air. 

But last night on Twitter, Toobin stepped on EVERY rake laying on the lawn of self-awareness, by reaching out publicly to Robert Draper, the husband of CNN's Kirsten Powers. Twice.

Why the thirsty tweets? So Toobin could 'message' Draper. 

Ostensibly, we're assuming Toobin wanted to contact him because Draper is writing a book about Hunter Biden. 

But Good Lord, Jeffrey Toobin. Do you realize that you are ... Jeffrey Toobin? How did you possibly think this would go well for you? Part of him HAD to get it, which is why he turned off replies to both tweets. But we all know that never stops Twitter. 


It did not. 

This is one of those times when we're not even going to provide a great deal of commentary. We're just going to sit back and let Twitter do its hilarious thing in response to Toobin's request, with many of the QTs offering advice to Draper should he accept the request.

Enjoy ... 

Other replies took direct aim at Toobin himself. 

OUCH. (Side note: please reconsider this decision, Elon Musk.)


HAHAHAHAHA. 'Lubin' Toobin.' We're stealing that one. 

We're not sure we are going to make it through this article right now, with every quote tweet causing us to do a laughing spit-take. 

It's just plain creepy. 

Nor should it. Toobin is a disgrace. 


NOOOOOOO. The mental image ... IT HURTS. 

LOL. We hate you, Twitter. (Also, we love you, Twitter.)

We thought for sure Toobin would have deleted his tweets by now, but nope. 

We're with you, Jack. One hundred percent. 

Aaaaand, now we're dead. LOL. 

There were plenty of other quote tweets (some of them very NSFW), but we don't think that hashtag can be ... beat? 

Sorry for that. It was sitting right there. We had to take the shot. 

Jeffrey Toobin, on the other hand, did NOT need to take his shot, in public, for the world to see. 

Then again, it's not the first time he's done that. 

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