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Nothing to See Here, Just Maxine Waters Calling Millions of Americans 'Domestic Terrorists'

Screenshotted meme

There is no question that Republicans and conservatives are PISSED about the concocted charges in Donald Trump's kangaroo court trial in Manhattan last week and at the guided, incoherent verdict resulting from said trial. (Maybe you could have guessed that from this writer's choice of words in that opening sentence, LOL.)


But as infuriated as conservatives are about this perversion of justice from New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan, guess what didn't happen after the verdict came in (or AT ALL over the past weekend, for that matter)? 

There were no riots. There were no assaults. Police cars and police stations did not burn. Conservatives didn't take over a college campus and break into a building, holding the staff hostage. Hell, we didn't even furiously snap our fingers in outrage. 

Instead, what did conservatives do? We put our own skin in the game, donating more than $53 million to Trump (in a taxing, failing economy) in the span of just a few days to help ensure that Joe Biden is NOT re-elected in November. 

Apparently -- according to Representative Maxine Waters at least -- that makes us all 'domestic terrorists.' Those are the exact words she used to describe millions of Americans this weekend on MSNBC. Watch: 

Good to see she's having a totally normal one. Trump uses 'divisive language,' so obviously that means that the 'domestic terrorists' are preparing to launch a 'civil war.' 

We would call this woman crazy, but that would be an insult to crazy people. 

Lest any of us forget (we know our readers haven't), this is the same woman who openly incited violence and harassment against conservatives in 2018 -- elected officials in particular -- because then-President Trump had the audacity to enforce America's southern border. 


Repeat it with us: 'It's (D)ifferent when they (D)o it.'

And it's revealing no one on the MSNBC panel where she appeared pushed back on her even an iota for her insane statement. 

The reason is, they agree with her that every conservative and every Republican is the enemy. They would happily jail millions if they could. 

She is practically frothing at the mouth here to try to goad conservatives into violence. She WANTS to be able to bring the entire government down on people who disagree with her. 

We could swear there's a word for that form of political ideology.

Nothing would make her happier than another January 6 which, as a reminder, was nowhere near as bad as the 2020 'Summer of Love' George Floyd riots.

And, lest we forget again, Waters was ALSO out publicly in 2021 encouraging 'confrontation' Officer Derek Chauvin was found not guilty. 


We can't be sure, but that sounds pretty 'domestic terrorist-y' to us. 

Donating money to Trump is an INSURRECTION. Or something. 

This is the correct response. Nothing will drive the left crazier than Trump winning on November 5.

Unfortunately, we're more than a little worried about the violence in the streets that WILL take place if that happens. And it won't be conservatives doing it, you can count on that. 

It will be all of Maxine Waters' friends. Just like they did at the LAST Trump inauguration. 

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