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Queering Nuclear Weapons

Grok AI

As candidate Kamala Harris stakes out her policy positions to the left of whoever controlled President Biden's ultra-progressive administration, it's helpful to recall just how far-left the last three and a half years were.


Few examples were clearer than the Biden Administration's social experiment with important agencies. There were LGBTQIA+ affirmations in the FBI, CIA, the military and just about every other Executive agency. And while we support the right for anyone to live exactly as they want, there seems to be this unhealthy push on the part of the current ultra-liberal leadership to make sexuality the centerpiece of every mission they have - even at the expense of silly little things like national security and energy policy.

And who could forget Biden's blunder with his nuclear waste disposal deputy director and fashion kleptomaniac, Sam Brinton?


We're sure that Brinton passed all his psych screenings with flying colors.

 Well, know we know that the Biden Administration knows only one thing - doubling down on bad policy. Behold.

From the Fox News article.

"The queer lens prioritizes the rights and well-being of people over the abstract idea of national security, and it challenges the mainstream understanding of nuclear weapons—questioning whether they truly deter nuclear war, stabilize geopolitics, and reduce the likelihood of conventional war. Queer theory asks: Who created these ideas? How are they being upheld? Whose interests do they serve? And whose experiences are being excluded?"

Because if there's one thing a dying, former superpower needs, it's is to shoot every policy through the prism of peoples' naughty parts.

"Logic" for the people who say that climate justice is reproductive justice is liberation for Palestine.


Spoiler: it doesn't. You take an artificially constructed worldview and direct vital, life-and-death decisions through it, you end up with major problems.

It was so bad, even Senator Ted Cruz noted it.

Did we say "noted"? Apologies. We meant mocked it. Although, Senator, something this important might actually warrant something more significant than mockery. Still, we laughed.

Just in case you needed a refresher.

If we're not mistaken, this is known as a "Marine joke" (we're fans of Jesse Kelly).

Yes, but progressives never learn.

You wonder how the Babylon Bee can stay in business with reality being a better parody than parody.

You were so close, Alex Jones.


Hadn't really considered this.

If Western Civilization totally collapses, we'll at least have had some really good laughs

With every Tweet, it starts to make more and more sense.


Editor's Note: Do you enjoy Twitchy's conservative reporting taking on the radical left and woke media? Support our work so that we can continue to bring you the truth. Join Twitchy VIP and use the promo code SAVEAMERICA to get 50% off your VIP membership!

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