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'Fine People on Both Sides' - Kamala Harris Mourns Palestinians Killed in Hostage Rescue Operation

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

As the soldiers of the Soviet Union were pushing the Nazis back to Berlin, one thing our great grandparents didn't hear on the radio was how awful it was that German civilians were being tragically killed by the Red Army.


Yet here we are. The left has elevated murderers and violent rioters while hypocritically enforcing the law selectively. So when it comes to supporting the academic/antifa wing of their base, it should come as no surprise that this happened.

It's a given that Kamala is only Vice President because the Democrats needed someone who makes Joe Biden look like Aristotle. Nobody even likes her.

Well the same people who think Jimmy Kimmel is funny think VP Harris is a good leader, so maybe some people like her. Pray for them.

Yeah, remember when that was a bad thing? Like 25 Amendment bad.


Yep. And we have no love for the Tiki Torcher losers. But at least we also hate antifa and Hamas so we got that going for us, which is nice.

Harsh but fair.

Yes. Next question?

It's all fun and games until the idiots take control of the steering wheel.


The gift of understatement, ladies and gentlemen.

Senator Cruz's ace social media team puts it well.

This is all that needs to be said.


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