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Comcast Would Like to Remind You That Mother Nature Is Gender Fluid

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File

Anyone who keeps up to date on the media knows that Comcast/NBC/MSNBC is all in the bag for leftist causes. There isn't a CRT or "anti-racist" or trans or LGBTQAI+ position they won't take a pro-progressive position on.


So this shouldn't come as a surprise. Disgust,  yes. Surprise, no. 

Maybe Alex Jones wasn't wrong when he said, "they're turning the frogs gay!"

Well maybe that was an entertaining fiction, but if the corporate media has any say, they'd like to make that a reality.

The saddest thing about the far-left is that there is literally no sexual deviancy they won't rush to the defense of. Remember how they attacked the anti-child-trafficking movie "Sound of Freedom"?

Some of Twitter (X)'s favorite parody accounts weighed in. Why? Because parody describes the left's reality best.

Did you ever think you'd live to see the National Broadcast Corporation (NBC) become a parody of news?


Yeah? Then explain why Lions have gay bars on the Serengeti?

Let the record show that we said this hours before this take.

Ha ha!

Well said, Jesse Kelly, whoever you are.



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