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Pot, Meet Kettle: People Hilariously Mock the Left for Saying JD Vance Is Weird


As Twitchy readers know, Democrats are ramping up a new narrative that JD Vance is 'weird' in their efforts to make Hyena Harris seem like a palatable choice for voters.


Democrats and their media lapdogs have quickly adopted the talking point. We probably don't have to remind you that these same people:

  • Think men can get pregnant
  • Are cool with girls getting run over by boys in sports
  • Want men dressed as women to read to kindergarteners
  • Believe black people can't get ID
  • Refer to themselves as they/them
  • Told you less than two weeks ago Joe Biden was perfectly fit to run the country

Perhaps they're not the best people to judge what is and isn't weird.

The people of Twitter/X certainly felt compelled to remind everyone just how bat guano crazy the modern Democrat Party is.

The exposure of Democrat hypocrisy was coming in fast and furious.

What exactly was it that Vance said that was so weird?

Things that were considered perfectly normal just ten years ago.

The Democrat Party has been overrun by actual weirdos. They've set out to normalize every fetish, whim, and desire that's outside of traditional norms, and any time someone stands up for tradition, they attempt to shout down normal as 'weird'.


There is very little normal about the people who run the current Democrat Party.

They are enablers of the odd and extreme.

They stand atop a soapbox of weirdness every day while insisting the rest of us are crazy.

People have had enough of the gaslighting.

The embrace of the strange by Democrats, even when it's harmful to children and families, is unceasing.


Democrats know they have a weirdo problem so, in true Democrat fashion, they pretend the exact opposite is true.

'You know that guy who served his country in the Marines, came from poverty, got a great education, married a woman, and had a kid? Yeah, he's a total weirdo.'

This strategy could backfire big time because people have eyes and they see what Democrats support.

They can keep trying to spin this, and we'll be here to call them out.

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