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Cry More! SCOTUS Justice Sotomayor Admits She Sometimes Does This After Conservative Rulings

Fuzzy Chimp

Justice Sonia Sotomayor not only cries after her colleagues in the nation's highest court render rulings she deems too conservative, she also admitted she cries about them, in public, to a Harvard crowd.


The adults are back in charge …

The melancholy magistrate revealed her misery to Harvard's Radcliffe Institute on Friday.

There are days that I've come to my office after an announcement of a case and closed my door and cried …

Nowhere in her remarks did Sotomayor bemoan the conservative-leaning court's failure to adhere to the Consitution (because they don't). Rather, the admission of legal lamentations were those of a judicial activist who believes her role is to legislate from the bench and turns on the waterworks when the Constitution is upheld.

You're doing it wrong, Sonia. That's not how any of this works.

If Sotomayor weeps over the Constitutional process, what does that say about her stability as one of a handful of people appointed to the highest court?


She continued:

There are moments when I'm deeply, deeply sad. There are moments when, yes, even I feel desperation. We all do … But you have to own it, you have to accept it, you have to shed the tears and then you have to wipe them and get up.

Sotomayor even feels 'desperation'. She certainly sounds like someone who could, for example, leak a draft opinion on one of the most consequential decisions of the 21st century to the press … not that anything like THAT has ever happened.

Yes, we think you've got it.

So much leaking!

Justicing is hard, yo!

We're old enough to remember when it was patriotic heresy to say anything negative about the Supreme Court … and then Trump got to appoint three justices.


How things have changed. Democrats and the news media have created a new cottage industry out of trying to delegitimize one of our sacred institutions - a bedrock of our democracy that is one of the last threads keeping us from devolving into full fascism (are we doing this right?).

(Yes, we know we have a constitutional republic. We're just reminding you of the rhetoric from the Left when we criticize the government.)

More like Cwies Latina, right?!


Exactly! There will be no wailing around here if we at Twitchy have anything to say about it.

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