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Keith Olbermann joins the dogpile on Anderson Cooper and we're loving it!

As Twitchy readers know, Anderson Cooper’s attempt to steer CNN away from the iceberg that was the Trump town hall backfired horrendously. Cooper’s overly dramatic diatribe was just further evidence of CNN’s partisan bias to conservatives, but leftists also became unglued at his suggestion that they shouldn’t ‘silo’ themselves off from other viewpoints.


We’re just sitting here enjoying the show from the front row, yuge tub of popcorn in hand … extra salty, please!

Keith Olbermann continued the tirade when Anderson Cooper dared to show his face on CNN again.

You know you’ve ticked off your left wing buddies when Keith Olbermann is claiming your career ended. He’s sort of the expert on career failures.

LOL. That’s one of the classics right there.

Anderson wants you to know that he understands why you might never want to watch CNN again after the ‘lies’ that were spread on the Trump town hall.

It looks like Cooper is partly underwater again, based on the responses.


Mostly, yes … except us. We’re loving this.

Our sentiments exactly.

It doesn’t get much better than Keith Olbermann turning on CNN.


LOLOLOL! ‘Nazi collaborators!’

The Left eating their own will never not be funny.

We on the Right are so used to these folks calling us Nazis and accusing us of every form of hate that we barely notice at this point.

Anderson Cooper is getting a lesson right now: You are one ‘mistake’ or perceived slight away from getting the same treatment, no matter how many years you’ve carried water for Democrats.

Joe Biden promised unity. Who knew it would come in the form of hating CNN? LOL.

The Kathy Griffin angle has been hilarious to watch. Remember, Anderson Cooper and Griffin had a rift after her ousting following the infamous bloody Trump head stunt.

This entire fanatical fiasco began with leftists acting as if CNN aired a town hall that promoted ritual child sacrifice … wait … bad example. CNN has aired Democrat town halls.

We’ll steal this example from redsteeze.


That’ll do. The melodramatic moralizing was off-the-charts because a guy said the same stuff he’s been saying for the past two years.

The same people breathlessly bemoaning CNN’s airing of a ‘man who attempted to overthrow democracy itself’ are also, once again, praising Kathy Griffin for implying a President of the United States should be assassinated.

Quite a showing by Team Muh Norms™.

This is the way. Legacy media is taking it on the chin right now, and we are here for it.

Editor’s Note: Do you enjoy Twitchy’s conservative reporting taking on the radical left and woke media? Support our work so that we can continue to bring you the truth. Join Twitchy VIP and use the promo code SAVEAMERICA to get 40% off your VIP membership!

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