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Jezebel and Mediaite board the Hitler clown car in a poor attempt to smear Dr. Oz

The Pennsylvania Senate race between Dr. Oz and John Fetterman has officially entered the Godwin’s Law phase as left wing media outlets engage in a bit of manipulative ‘journalism’.


Jezebel was seemingly first to the scene with this hit job that states ‘Oz stood in front of one of Hitler’s cars’. That’s a bit of stretch.

It appears Oz is actually speaking in front of the Lyon Air Museum’s Douglas DC-3 ‘Flagship Orange County’. Perhaps the greater deception, which was repeated across Twitter by other Democrat propagandist outfits, was the fact that the actual photo from the event does not show the infamous Nazi swastika flag at all.

Jezebel and others did the public a great journalistic service (read: they went out of their way to deceive the public) by helpfully including a photo of the murderous dictator’s car from the museum’s website that clearly displays the infamous Nazi icon. From Jezebel:

The museum is full of WWII memorabilia, and yes, it is just a museum. But a campaign allowing their candidate to be photographed at a fundraiser with a car that literally has a swastika on it is quite a choice.

Why then is the swastika clearly not visible in the image from the Oz fundraiser? There appears to be a good explanation, if anyone had bothered to do some journalism here. (Look, we’re here to make fun of libs. We don’t appreciate having to do other people’s jobs for them!)


The below photo shows the same vehicle at the Lyon Air Museum in March with the Nazi flags blacked out (Attribution: Ducatipierre, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons).

A photo of Hitler's car from the Lyon Air Museum with no swastikas displayed.

It was just so much juicier with the glaring swastika flags instead of the photo of the vehicle as it actually appeared at the event.

Well done, ‘journalists’.

Mediaite wasn’t going to let Jezebel have all the fun. They went with the same ‘in front of Hitler’s car’ headline and used the same duo of deceptive photos.

From the article:

While Oz most certainly did not intend to pose with a car adorning a swastika while running for office, it happened (the swastika is not visible in Oz’s photo).

Yeah, it’s not visible because it’s literally, purposefully hidden from view.

Aside from the obvious headline and visual manipulation of its readers by the outlets, Twitter users were quick to point out additional problems with the story.

Sort of an important point, eh? It’s a museum!


‘Shut up, man! You’re messing with our narrative!’


Innocent mistake. We barely noticed it ourselves in this photo until Jason pointed it out.

Whoa. Mind. Blown.

Propagandists doing their thing.


Biden holding hands with Robert Byrd

Hey, are we doing the whole ‘guilt-by-association because a politician was photographed near an icon associated with unimaginable evil from the past’ thing? Because if we are, we’re totally here for it.

Just saying.

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