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Robert Reich mocked for not understanding how owning stuff works

There are few things as dependable as the mock-worthiness of a Robert Reich tweet. We at Twitchy sort of love him for it.

In today’s installment, Robert decided to tell the world that he doesn’t understand how ownership works. It was a not-so-veiled shot at head bird master, Elon Musk, who the Left insists will cause the death of Twitter at any moment.


Actually, Robert, if you have enough money to buy something, you most definitely have the right to break it. We’re willing to bet at least 60% of you are reading this through a cracked screen protector, but that’s your right. We won’t judge.

Did you all have thoughts on Robert Reich’s paradox of possession? You bet you did.

This is not hard, Bobby.

This is so true. Ask anyone with kids. This editor’s kids haven’t met an air mattress they can’t have hissing within 30 seconds.

Remember how annoying it was when they told us ‘go make your own Twitter’? We do too, and it’s never going to get old. LOL.


Us: ‘Twitter appears to be disproportionately shadow banning and suspending conservative accounts, and we would just like a level playing field.’

Them: ‘It’s a private company! Suck it, losers! HAHAHAHA!’

Ah, the good old days.

It’s our turn now, except their overarching gripe is not that they’re being mistreated – it’s that Twitter may have gotten a little more fair.

They definitely think they own us and have no problem trying to break us.

Surely, Musk didn’t buy Twitter to try to improve the platform and, gasp, make money? ‘HE’S BREAKING TWITTER WE TELL YOU!!!’

Now we’re getting to the heart of the matter. These folks believe they have the exclusive right to own political narratives and a freer Twitter threatens to break their stranglehold on what you’re allowed to hear or talk about.


It’s truly glorious.

Elon Musk now owns Twitter and the Left for the low, low price of $44 billion. He’s clearly already broken the Left. We think Twitter, however, will survive.

Yeah, we’re guessing Robert Reich has done quite well for himself. We’re sure he has the right, and ability, to buy plenty of things to break.

Heck, he’s taking his best shot at wrecking his reputation on Twitter, and that’s still free.

You Can't Own Property, Man meme in full

Chad now owns Robert Reich.

Please don’t break him, Chad. His tweets are funny.

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