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Dan Rather praises Gavin Newsom's handling of the 'unusual weather event' known as summer

One might think retired Democrat water carrier, Dan Rather, would authenticate his claim of an ‘unusual weather event’ in California before tweeting, but Rather chose to forge ahead.


Rather’s intent was clear – to shill for Democrats – which has become his primary hobby in retirement. Clearly, he didn’t miss his calling as a weather man.

Dan Rather’s comparison between the recent California heat wave and the 2021 Texas snowstorm is best described by Dan Rather:

‘Shakier than cafeteria Jell-O.’

The glaring problem with Rather’s comparison is that high temperatures in California are not unusual, especially in comparison to massive ice storms in Texas. California typically averages a couple days of triple-digit temperatures in summer, but heat waves also occur at a greater frequency than statewide Texas snow disasters.

Is the California model for not-so-unusual weather events better than the Texas model for very rare weather events? Again, we’ll ask Dan Rather for the answer:

‘If a frog had side pockets, he’d carry a handgun.’

Twitter users were quick to pick up on the disconnect.



Good point. California experienced rolling blackouts just two years ago, using the same ‘plan’ Dan Rather praises here.

Yes, that’s August of 2020. Great plan, Governor Newsom!


Oof! The Gormogons are out there killian’ it. (See what we did there?)



That tweet was ‘hotter than asphalt in Del Rio’ (Dan Rather, again).

Well, that should make everything better. The situation in California ‘would give an aspirin a headache’ (we think you know who said that by now).

Hang in there and stay safe, California!

‘Courage.’ – Dan Rather

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