An assistant professor from Boston University launched a brain bender into the Twittersphere in the name of George Floyd. Saida Grundy attempted to justify and rationalize any and all reactions to controversial incidents involving racial injustice.
“I think it's very important for people who see reactions in communities not to judge or make assumptions about what is good and not good reactions. And not actually re-victimize communities by saying there's an acceptable and not acceptable way to react.”— @BU_CAS's Saida Grundy
— Boston University (@BU_Tweets) May 25, 2022
Read that again. The message is that anything goes when outrage is justified. Justified by whom? Wait, don’t think about it, watch the media, listen to the activists and proceed with reckless abandon – property has been declared racist!
Watch: Boston University Professor Says BLM Riots And Looting Was Okay Because Property Is Racist 🤡
— Not the Bee (@Not_the_Bee) May 26, 2022
Is the saying, ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’ still a thing? Any justifiable outrage aside, there are serious potential consequences to the destruction of property that extend well beyond any intended or, ‘acceptable’ targets.
What if protests destroy a black person’s property? What if a black off-duty officer, protecting property, was killed during protests? That is wrong. It is bad. If you can’t say that, you have no business teaching anyone. You’re the racist. All property/life are important.
— texasgirl (@1929home) May 26, 2022
What a horrible thing to teach Americans. There are real consequences for the riots, looting, and burning that occurred in predominantly minority owned businesses. This mindset is why so many fail to raise their own standards of living. I expect better from a University.
— Michael Johnston (@skiyryder) May 27, 2022
Perhaps Grundy needs to clarify exactly which properties are racist, assuming she is the accepted authority on such matters, of course.
Property is racist unless bought w/ donated $$$ by the grifters who run #BlackLivesMatter— Jim Hanson (@JimHansonDC) May 26, 2022
The bigotry of soft expectations strikes again. People cannot be expected to react to alleged social injustice in a way that is not destructive. What, really, can be expected of people who hail George Floyd as a hero of sorts?
Wait a got damt minute. Did you just compare George Floyd, who put a gun in the belly of a pregnant woman as he invaded her home, called his buddies to come have the run of the place while he held his gun on her, & was a career criminal, to . . . Anne Frank?
— Michael Berry (@MichaelBerrySho) May 27, 2022
If the destruction of property is excused and monuments of historical relevance or torn down in the name of justice. It is interesting to see new statues appear.
Yesterday we unveiled a beautiful monument to George Floyd in his hometown. It will serve as a landmark in Harris County, reminding us of our continued commitment to racial justice and smarter criminal justice policies.
— Lina Hidalgo (@LinaHidalgoTX) May 26, 2022
Can we get a clear ruling from the prevailing authorities (activists with the loudest voices) on whether or not these new properties are racist, too?
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