Quotes from the late comedian and social critic, George Carlin, often surface in the political arena of social media. Both the Left and the Right have been known to use his insights to demonstrate their own points.
George Carlin was way ahead of his time. He was one of the first to know it was all bullshit propagated by government and corporate elites. He joked about it but he was dead serious. If he were working today they’d call him a right-wing conspiracy theorist.
— First Words (@unscriptedmike) May 18, 2022
George Carlin said "When fascism comes to America, it will not be in brown and black shirts. It will not be with jack-boots. It will be Nike sneakers and Smiley shirts."
When we think of dictators, we think about other countries. Analyse the Republicans now.#DemVoice1 #Fresh pic.twitter.com/1VVJdfOnVg
— Tony – Resistance (@TonyHussein4) May 21, 2022
Ironic that political wings have come to fight over claiming Carlin’s humor for their own affiliations when his comedy career was a controversial compilation of his own bold assessments and ruthless truths that could offend anyone and everyone on a given topic with neither prejudice nor remorse.
He’s pretty clearly flipping off the left and the right. It’s perfect. https://t.co/Zz3gVH148b
— A (@aBienz) May 22, 2022
Fortunately, fans of Carlin are not easily persuaded that everything must align with partisan preference.
Carlin is a philosopher…who follows logic…
To claim he is left or right is obtuse.— Keith Weiss (@keythweiss) May 22, 2022
It is easy to speculate that George Carlin would have been disgusted by the thought of being a political darling for any party, and especially by the thought of being partisan media clickbait.
Just a friendly reminder that George Carlin would despise and verbally disembowel the vast majority of pundits, public figures, and random idiots currently heaping praise on him because it's trendy.
— 🔥Reverend Dr. Aiden (@SweetFnLucifer) May 21, 2022
Whether Carlin would like it or not, his observations continue to be relevant in our present state. Perhaps those who can really claim him as one of their own are the commoners, we the people, caught in the chaos.
Instead of division let's have a laugh about what we share in common. A few laughs with George Carlin. https://t.co/f7cD8Ng2AA
— Afriel (@afriel3333) September 1, 2021
There are, at least, some points we can all agree on.
Feel free to indulge in the philosophy and comedy of George Carlin, expect to be offended at least part of the time. In a world where we agree on so little, it is nice to have a voice from the past whose bias can not be defined as strictly partisan.
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