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Unhinged Bernie Sanders Demands RFK Jr. Answer This Question: 'ARE YOU SUPPORTIVE OF THESE ONESIES?'


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is testifying before the Senate Finance Committee today ahead of an eventual vote on his nomination to be the next Secretary of Health and Human Services. 


As expected, the Democrats and an Independent on the committee are displaying their usual theatrics and misrepresentations, but one surreal moment occurred when Sen. Bernie Sanders used his time to express outrage over certain baby onesies. Yep, you heard that right:

The onesies say "Unvaxxed Unafraid" and "No Vax No Problem" on them. 

Sanders then followed up with a question for Kennedy:

No, seriously, that's exactly what Sanders asked:


Actually that group should now make a onesie featuring a photo of Bernie Sanders along with the quote "are you supportive of these onesies?"

And it's not over yet!

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