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Here's What Lefties Who Claim Trump's 'America's Dictator' and a 'Threat to Democracy' Have Said Recently


We're closing in on just a month to go until the November election, and you wouldn't think the anti-Trump rhetoric from the Left couldn't get more ridiculous, but they'll try.

Former Obama adviser Ben Rhodes made his contribution today, which, as @tomselliott noted, was ironic as usual:

Very recently Democrats have said the Constitution needs to be shredded, the Electoral College must go, the 2nd Amendment is a big problem and the Supreme Court needs to be abolished. But sure, Trump's the "threat to democracy" and wannabe dictator. The projection is, as usual, completely off the charts. 

Just this week there have been several lefties who would like everybody to think Trump's a threat to our "cherished norms and institutions" doing some serious projection. Earlier today, Amy wrote about this doozy from leftist loon Fran Lebowitz: 

We have to burn down our system of government in order to save it!

According to Gallup, more than have of Americans think the Electoral College needs to go, a number that no doubt includes most Democrats who claim Trump wants to shred the Constitution and everything in it:

Whack-job Dem Rep. Jamie Raskin even claimed the Electoral College can be "deadly" earlier this month:

Strange how so many who claim to be from the party that was special protections for minorities don't have any problem with a "two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner" style of government.

Then there's Placeholder President Biden, who also says Trump's a threat to our constitutional rights but went on an anti-2A harangue this week:

Kamala Harris is even more radical on gun rights, though she's currently lying about her stance on the 2nd Amendment while claiming she owns a firearm. Maybe she bought that gun back when she "did the fries" at McDonald's.

Returning to Ben Rhodes to close this out, on election night I'm hoping we get to see the same Rhodes that we saw just after the 2016 election was called:


Hopefully we can experience that level of entertainment after the November election. It was glorious the first time and the second time would be even more insane. 


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