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Harris Campaign Keeps Trying to Make Distance From Biden and the POTUS Account Is NOT Allowing It

The Kamala Harris campaign is working hard to pretend the Democrat presidential nominee represents a "New Way Forward," which is funny coming from the people who brought us the old way forward they're trying to make distance from. That's why we keep hearing "don't look back, look forward." Because if we look back, we'll remember it's called the "Biden-Harris Administration" all over the White House website.


Why would we need a "new way forward"? Is there something wrong with the current way forward that Harris has been a big part of?

Even Harris' husband tried to explain why his wife, whose fingerprints are all over everything the Biden administration did that makes things worse, had nothing to do with Biden's messes:

What's interesting is that somebody at the White House seems irked that Harris was among Democrats who teamed up to shove Biden out the door, because they keep reminded everybody that yes, Kamala Harris has been a big part of the current administration for nearly four years: 


Americans know "what this administration has done," which is why Harris is trying to separate herself from it.

Numbers like these are why Harris would prefer people to look forward, not back:

The Biden-Harris years have been terrible for America and watching the White House refusing to untether the VP from "Bidenomics" and everything else is at least somewhat amusing.

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