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CNN Fact-Checker's Tally of Trump vs. Harris Lies During the Debate Is Another 'Journalism' Gem


During last night's debate, Democrat nominee Kamala Harris told a lot of lies. The total number of whoppers from Harris was over two dozen, but, as you know, the super-objective ABC moderators only saw fit to do fact-checks on Trump (and even some of those weren't true). 

Townhall's Guy Benson shared a few examples of Harris serving up massive amounts of BS that the ABC moderators didn't deem worthy of real-time "fact-checking":

The Federalist counted more than two dozen times that Harris lied while the moderators only felt the need to interject on some Trump claims: 

Yep, Harris liked more than two dozen times

Taking a page out of her boss’s playbook, Vice President Kamala Harris told major whoppers during her Tuesday night debate against Donald Trump. With help from left-wing activists masquerading as debate moderators, Harris whitewashed her extreme record, lied about Trump’s policy positions, and more.

Along the way, the moderators did several real-time "fact checks," but only for claims Trump made. Harris could say whatever she wanted free from moderator interruption or correction.

After the debate the usual "fact-checker" suspects also had Harris' back. Perhaps the most ridiculous of the bunch was CNN's Daniel Dale, who had this doozy of a summary for the cable net's viewers: 

"One-plus"... yeah, one plus about 30.

CNN definitely seems to be trying to atone for their initial objectivity.

The "fact-checking" business is now officially beyond parody. But if you're a Democrat it's not bad treatment:

"Overwhelmingly though not entirely factual" is the new "fiery but mostly peaceful."

To a large degree the "fact-checking" industry is just another media arm of the Democratic Party. It's only going to get worse in the coming weeks.


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