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If You Missed the Dem Convention Here's an EXCELLENT Front-Page Summary


It's quite amazing to think about what's happened in just the last several weeks. Just a few months ago Biden was being urged to replace Kamala Harris with a different VP in order to save his 2024 election chances. Then Biden's debate disaster happened, and Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama and other Dems decided it was time to put Joe out to pasture, but don't you dare call it a "coup."


At that point, Kamala Harris was made the Democrat nominee, and a magical thing happened: A "joy" memo went out and the media ran with it all while the Harris campaign worked to cover up her previous leftist policy positions (ban fracking, raising money to bail out violent rioters, etc.) and turn her candidacy into something resembling a Norman Rockwell painting. 

The gaslighting was on full display this week during the Democratic National Convention and there wasn't one second of it that wasn't manufactured and phony. The New York Post's cover summed it up best:


The goal of the Democrat convention was to NOT let America see what the Dems actually stand for, with the possible exception of the abortion/vasectomy van.


The "Beyonce or Taylor Swift might show up" rumors might help viewership numbers for Harris.

The "excitement" for the Harris campaign has been created out of whole cloth, but the Dems know they can count on the media to continue helping sell the facade.

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