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Michelle Obama Says Illegals Have the Right to *Build a Decent Life (*NOT on Martha's Vineyard)

AP Photo/Erin Hooley

Last night was evening number two of the Democratic Party's "let's hope nobody remembers we're the ones who have been in charge for the last nearly four years" convention in Chicago. 

Michelle Obama's speech had one part that made me laugh out loud, and another that was another eye-roller (mixed in with all the other lies and projection of course). 

The laughable part was when the ex-FLOTUS said Kamala Harris has been "fighting to hold lawbreakers accountable." 

Was that before or after Harris was promoting a bail fund for violent rioters in Minnesota while her VP choice was letting thugs burn down cities there? 

Wow, that really sounds like a lot of accountability!

Michelle Obama also said something in support of the open border we've seen under Biden and Harris: 

Look, Kamala knows, like we do, that regardless of where you come from, what you look like, who you love, how you worship, or what's in your bank account we all deserve the opportunity to build a decent life. All of our contributions deserve to be accepted and valued.

Because no one has a monopoly on what it means to be an American. No one!

Kamala has shown her allegiance to this nation, not by spewing anger and bitterness, but by living a life of service and always pushing the doors of opportunity open for others.

The apparent fan of Biden/Harris' open border said this while in a building surrounded by triple layers of fencing, because "walls don't work" or something. 

"No one has a monopoly on what it means to be an American" and "we all deserve an opportunity to build a decent life" -- just don't try to do it on Martha's Vineyard where the Obamas and their rich pals live.

As usual, the Obamas are hoping nobody remembers what happened when they had a chance to welcome their beloved illegal aliens with open arms:

After a couple days' worth of "enrichment," Vineyard residents said, "that was nice, now you should get goin'" and the enrichers were sent elsewhere to be somebody else's problem, which is the typical rich liberal solution to problems that arise from their own policies.

It's also worth noting that the Obamas and the rest of the Dems at the convention are NOT pro-open borders when it comes to their Chicago event: 

But that guy just wants a better life, Michelle! What gives? 

We know he won't end up inside the convention hall or on Martha's Vineyard for more than 48 hours. 


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