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Politico's Headline for Reason Biden's Heading to Chicago Is a MAJOR Eye-Roller


The Democratic National Convention kicks off today in the most ironic way possible: With the venue protected by a big wall while attendees are required to show photo ID for entrance. 

Let's also not forget that some Democrats in attendance who have been in the "defund the police" camp will be grateful there are a lot of cops in the area: 

It looks like Chicago is bracing for a huge expression of "joy" as Kamala Harris prepares to formally accept her party's nomination after Joe Biden is ushered into retirement.

Over the weekend I saw a lot of headlines but I don't think there's one that made me laugh any harder than this gem about Biden's speech tonight from Politico: 

"A hero's goodbye" for the guy who the Democrats who knew would get their party wiped out in the November election so they forced him to give up his reelection bid? If Biden's a "hero" to them it's because he's going away before doing any more damage so they can usher in a candidate who might have policies that are even more damaging to the country. 

But this is a Politico piece that sounds like it could have been written by Jill Biden... er, DOCTOR Jill Biden... sorry 'bout that: 

But on Monday night, Democrats said the moment will focus on what Biden has done — and the deep appreciation of his eventual willingness to step aside.

The president is widely expected to receive a raucous welcome from a convention crowd that has swelled in size since Harris took up the mantle. He’ll likely be hailed by party leaders as one of the most productive presidents in modern times, a Democratic icon for defeating Trump in 2020 and a politician of rare courage for opting to step aside for the good of the party.

It “will be emotional,” said one senior Democrat close to party leadership. “People will cry.”

But asked if anyone will feel regret for pushing Biden aside, the Democrat was unequivocal.


Here's what they really mean by "hero's goodbye":

Biden and his family have spent many, many years making millions of dollars selling influence, which unfortunately is a heroic venture for far too many people who laughably refer to themselves as "public servants."

Does Politico think that the families of servicemembers killed in Afghanistan because of Biden's botched withdrawal or victims of criminal illegal aliens who have strolled into the country via his open border would refer to Joe as a "hero"? 


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