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In Tuesday night's debate, moderator/debater David Muir asked Kamala Harris if she felt any responsibility as vice president for the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that left 13 service members dead and left behind tens of billions of dollars of military hardware. Harris hit back by noting that Trump had met and negotiated with a leader of the Taliban at — can you believe this — the sacred grounds of Camp David: "A place of storied significance for us as Americans, a place where we honor the importance of American diplomacy, where we invite and receive respected world leaders." Trump said that yes he had met with Abdul.


CNN national security analyst and Atlantic contributor Juliette Kayyem couldn't stop thinking about Trump calling the head of the Taliban "Abdul."

What was racist about calling him Abdul? The guy's name is Abdul Ghani Baradar, and he's the acting first deputy prime minister of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.


"And he said why do you send me a picture of my house? I said you're going to have to figure that out, Abdul," Trump recalled. "And for 18 months we had nobody killed." 


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