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Kamala Harris Promises to Be Tougher Than Trump on Border Security (But DON'T Call Her 'Border Czar')

Screenshotted meme

Vice President Kamala Harris is trying to make sure the country gets four more years of the kinds of policies that led Biden's approval rating into the toilet which led the Democrats to convince him to step aside in a desperate attempt to salvage any chance of winning the upcoming election. As a result, prepare to have your intelligence insulted as Harris promises to fix all the things this administration broke by blaming others. 

This has strong "arsonist announces plan to put out fire and find out who started it" energy:

Isn't it strange how "price gouging" and "corporate greed" didn't seem to be a problem until after Biden and Harris took office? Also apparently we're supposed to forget about a few years-worth of these same people gaslighting about "bringing costs down":

The last time you were at the grocery store did it feel like Biden and Harris (or more correctly "Harris and Biden and whoever actually makes the decisions") have "brought costs down"?

But it gets even more insulting, because Harris is claiming that she'd be tougher on border security than Trump:

Isn't this the same person who the media's trying to protect by claiming she was never a "border czar" because everybody knows what a disaster Biden/Harris have been on the border issue? 

Lying and hoping everybody's stupid is the Harris campaign's primary strategy: 

The problem they have is that Biden/Harris have a nearly four year record to compare to Trump's and they're just going to try and gaslight their way through it.

Well hunker down then, because that's all the next three months are going to bring from the Harris campaign.


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