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Biden Says One Thing He Still Does Well Is Tell the Truth (Fact-Check: FALSE)


After a disastrous debate, the Biden campaign thought it was important to get the president back into more familiar territory: Being introduced by his wife at a campaign rally and then reading off a teleprompter.


Yeah, it's amazing what can happen when there are magical screens with all the words on them right in front of you that somebody else wrote!

During Biden's speech, which was clearly designed to try and spin away the debacle everybody witnessed last night, he acknowledged the debate shortcomings and punctuated that with an unintentional laugh line: 


"What I do know is how to tell the truth."

Ironically that's another lie from Biden. Even CNN's fact-checker couldn't avoid calling out Biden's debate night whoppers, most of which he repeated in his campaign speech today: 

The list of Biden's lies is a mile long.

Biden in fact does NOT know how to tell the truth because he's a serial liar and has been his entire political career. But the good news for Republicans is that Biden obviously has zero intention of stepping aside for any reason. Bring on November!

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