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Rep. James Clyburn Assures Dems That Biden's 'Quiet Constituency' Will Show Up in November

AP Photo/Universal Pictures, Matt Kennedy

While the national media continues to help the Biden campaign try and convince everybody not to believe their own eyes when it comes to videos they see of the president looking lost and confused, behind the scenes the Democrats are in a panic:


Today, in our sixth edition of this tracker, our Presidential Voting Intention poll of 3,713 swing state voters finds Donald Trump leading Joe Biden in all six states which we polled, although his margins have narrowed in three of the six states polled since our previous poll conducted in early May. 

In a hypothetical match-up between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. included as an independent candidate, Donald Trump holds a lead of six points over Biden in Florida (43% vs 37%) while holding leads of between 1% and 5% in the other five states polled.

The Dems also have to be alarmed by these numbers:

Add it all up and they're sweating at DNC headquarters.

But leading Democrats are trying to calm the party's nerves. South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn was on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," which is basically a lefty therapy session every morning, providing the Dems some assurance: 


"Quiet constituency," eh? That could mean a lot of things. 

Will that constituency show up quietly and really early in the morning after everybody's gone to bed?

It will be called the "most secure election in U.S. history," but only if Biden ends up winning.

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