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Tom Elliott's Media 'Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes' Compilation About Biden Says It All

Journalism meme

The media arm of the Biden campaign has been working overtime to explain why you shouldn't believe what your own eyes and ears tell you, and instead to trust the experts who know "behind the scenes" Biden and how he's sharp as a tack. 


Grabien News' Tom Elliott has another great supercut, and this one puts what the media and Dems (as always, pardon the redundancy) say about Biden side-by-side with the Biden that Americans and the rest of the world sees on a regular basis. Watch and try not to roll your eyes too hard:

The end of that clip in particular is a classic. Saying Biden's not competent to lead is a "Russian disinformation tactic." Then again that's coming from the same people who said Hunter Biden's laptop was a Russian disinformation tactic so they're not making the point they think.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - George Orwell, "1984"

The CNN moderators will be doing their best to bail out Joe when necessary.

By the way, some of the crew here at Twitchy will be live blogging the debate a week from Thursday, so join us for the fun. 

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