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'This Is Sick': Hillary Clinton Decided D-Day Anniversary Would Be a Good Time for This Reminder

Meme screenshot

As you're well aware, Hillary Clinton has been consumed with TDS and general rage ever since this tweet started aging hilariously bad:


That never happened, but what did Clinton expect after not campaigning in Wisconsin and going to coal country and promising to put them out of work if elected?

Fast forward to today, the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, and Hillary just couldn't help but put a big dose of TDS into her commemoration of the occasion: 

While Hillary was writing that (or dictating it to somebody else) the inside of her head featured that toy monkey that bangs cymbals together, except this one was simultaneously yelling "Trump is Hitler! Trump is Hitler!"

Clinton's gotten so far beneath contempt that you'd need deep sea drilling equipment to reach her.


Hillary remains as angry and bitter as ever and just can't help herself.

And she never will recover from it.

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