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Unhinged Chris Matthews Explains How Trump Could End Up a Dictator (Prepare the Straitjackets!)


The last time we heard from MSNBC's Chris Matthews (or at least cared enough to share what he said) was back in January when the former "Hardball" host joined Claire McCaskill in warning that people in the rural Trump cult could help the former president take over the country once again.


Matthews was back at it again, and somebody at MSNBC should really make him wear a TDS helmet so he doesn't hurt himself. 

Apparently, if the Supreme Court remains unchanged, if Trump wins in November, and a democratically-elected Congress ends up fully in Republican hands, that would mean the U.S. will be, for all intents and purposes, a dictatorship: 

It should be illegal for any MSNBC personality to define what's "very reasonable," because this ain't it:


These people at MSNBC and other alleged "news" operations are totally sane and have in no way driven themselves to complete lunacy (or at least are trying to drive their viewers to complete lunacy). Yikes. 

Projection is all the Left has at this point.

Matthews has lost what was left of his mind. If Trump wins in November we'll witness the most glorious meltdown of all time and straight jackets will need to be distributed.

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