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Joe Scarborough Compares the President to Ex GOP House Speakers and Finds Biden 'Far Sharper'


The Democrats and media (as always, pardon the redundancy) continue their full-court press effort to convince voters that the President Biden they see and hear with their own eyes and ears on a frequent basis isn't really the one that exists, especially "behind closed doors." 


MSNBC's Joe Scarborough has taken the effort to the next level by comparing Biden's mental acuity to every Republican Speaker of the House in the last 30 years

Somebody should tell that to special counsel Robert Hur who spent hours asking Biden questions: 

Biden fans need to pick one: Either Biden's sharp as a tack and should have faced charges over his retention of classified documents, or he's slipped so far mentally that no charges were recommended.

The fact that Biden defenders feel the need to keep saying that over and over and over speaks volumes, and not in a good way for Joe.



It's clear that there are many Dems and media determined to cling to this sinking ship all the way to the bottom.

Yep, that's what Gates said alright! That became even more clear when the wheels started coming off of -- well, everything -- the day Biden took office.

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