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Media Shifts Into Overdrive to Alter Your 'Misconception' That #Bidenomics Sucks


Despite the media's best efforts, the economic gaslighting isn't resonating with a general public struggling to afford gas and groceries while the White House keeps telling them their wages are outpacing inflation. 


The four-day poll, which closed on Monday, showed just 36% of Americans approve of Biden's job performance as president, down from 38% in April. It was a return to the lowest approval rating of his presidency, last seen in July 2022. While this month's drop was within the poll's 3 percentage point margin of error, it could bode poorly for Biden as he faces off with Republican Donald Trump in the Nov. 5 presidential election.


The state of the economy was seen as the top issue, picked by 23% of respondents as the most important problem facing the country. 

The simple truth is most people think "Bidenomics" is a disaster, and the media's starting to take it personally. Brian Stelter shared a story from The Guardian that fact-checked people who are simply noticing how much less money they have these days: 

Does your grocery bill feel lower yet?


Naturally, in the name of open-minded and objective journalism, Stelter was open to hearing from people who disagree. Wait, no he wasn't:

"Stop complaining about the economy you're doing better than ever and I don't want to hear otherwise." Ah, "journalism"!

As the saying goes, you can lie to people about a lot of things but not about how much money they have.

It's really that simple.

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