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KC Chiefs Coach Andy Reid ENDS Reporter (and Other Media) Getting Woke Vapors About Harrison Butker

AP Photo/Ed Zurga, File

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker's commencement speech seems to have triggered all the right people, and the "controversy" is still going strong among the people who claim to embrace diversity until somebody offers up an opinion they don't like (or even care about taking in context). 


NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell reportedly had this to say about the Butker backlash: 

The backlash to Harrison Butker’s commencement speech is still ongoing more than 10 days after he spoke at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. 

But so are efforts to support the Kansas City Chiefs kicker, who used the speech to promote theologically and politically conservative views. 

On Wednesday, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell briefly addressed the Butker situation during a press conference.

“We have over 3,000 players. We have executives around the league. They have diversity of opinions and thoughts just like America does. That’s something we treasure,” he said, per NFL Network’s Tom Pelissero.

Kansas City Chiefs coach Andy Reid took a more "gloves off" approach when asked about Butker's speech during a press conference.

The beauty of this brief response is that Reid defended Butker's right to express his opinion while taking a nice dig at the media (which is never undeserved): 

So basically Reid's saying Butker has a right to his opinion, people have a right to disagree, and the media is garbage. Sounds about right.


That's how it's done!

We can't help but wonder if the "reporter" in question even listened to Butker's whole speech or just opted for the woke media's selected snippets.

Yeah, that's certainly not a high bar to clear.

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