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'He's Fine'! WH Transcript of Biden Speech Has a Few Corrections ('Erectionists' Being Just One)

Fuzzy Chimp

Joe Biden's lies and gaffes (mostly lies) have become so prevalent that the White House has been reduced to fact-checking the president so the transcript is a little more accurate. Why are they starting now? That's anybody's guess.


Biden's NAACP speech in Detroit was deemed worthy of just a few corrections when it comes to the White House transcript:

The transcript has lies/gaffes crossed out and replaced with what Biden was supposed to say.

One of those corrections revolves around Biden talking about the January 6th "erectionists" -- except the White House transcript people decided to start the word with an "i" so it didn't get turned into a Viagra ad: 

That’s why on January 6th — what happened? Every legal avenue Trump tried to challenge the election failed, so he unleashed an insurrection.

And now he’s running again.  And he’s not only obsessed with — about losing 2020, he’s clearly unhinged.

Just listen to him.  He calls the irrectionists [insurrectionists] who stormed Capitol Hill “patriots.”  He says, if reelected, he wants, quote, “every” one of them pardoned.


It's a total mystery why the White House doesn't want the audio of the Hur interview made public!

The transcript could have contained about 100 self-contained fact-checks in a completely candid world.

All is well!

The White House has done more fact-checks on Biden than the MSM "fact-checkers"? Go figure

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