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Latest Trump Trial Twist Has Even CNN Struggling to See What Alvin Bragg's Doing

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The trial in New York City for Donald Trump continues to devolve into a total joke, except not necessarily the "ha ha" kind.

Today brought with it a fresh twist courtesy of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's star witness, Michael Cohen:


So yeah, it's going just great for the prosecution (cue massive eye roll).

From Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air:

What. A. Disaster. Isn't this something that should have convinced prosecutors to drop the case, or at least address it in direct examination to take the sting out of it?

Instead, prosecutors have built a case around a serial perjurer and now admitted embezzler about the veracity of Trump's business records. Any other court would have called a halt to this clown show by now and dismissed the charges with prejudice.

How bad is it for the Left? Even CNN is struggling to find any reasons at all that Trump is the one on trial: 


Yet another item for the "when you've lost CNN" file.

Maybe the prosecution hopes that all the jurors won't care that the trial is a total sham.

This particular show trial just got even more embarrassing.

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