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AOC Lectures Sen. John Fetterman About Racism and Misogyny After His Bipartisan Take on House Mayhem

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

There was a bit of chaos during a House Oversight Committee meeting when Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green and Democrat Rep. Jasmine Crockett got into it:

A rare evening meeting of the House Oversight Committee on Thursday devolved into chaos after northwest Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked the appearance of one of her Democratic colleagues.

Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Kentucky) struggled to regain order after Rep. Greene made a comment about Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas)'s 'fake eyelashes.' Rep. Greene later took a swipe at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York).


Green said Crockett's big fake eyelashes prevent her from being able to see the truth.

Here's how that all unfolded:

After that House incident, Dem Sen. John Fetterman issued an apology to... The Jerry Springer Show. 

Fetterman's tweet didn't sit well with one of the members of Congress who was in that meeting, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 

First of all, projection has been detected:

Perhaps that issue has a little something to do with what really bothers "Squad" types about Fetterman.


Biden promised bipartisanship but it's Fetterman who's delivering. 

And besides, Democrats in the House can stop with the "standing up for women" stuff:

They can't/won't even define the word. 

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