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Rep. Eric Swalwell Serves Up Another Great Reason NOT to Vote for Democrats


Despite continual Democrat efforts to push the narrative that crime is down everywhere, especially in blue cities, reality keeps rearing its ugly head. Such is the case in this story from Alameda County, California: 


Crime in this area is so bad the mail can't even be safely delivered:

The U.S. Postal Inspection Service said at least six mail carriers have been robbed in the Bay Area since last month.

One was an armed robbery in Dublin on Monday that was caught on camera. 

Dublin police and the U.S. Postal Inspectors are jointly investigating this case.

Surveillance video showed the female postal carrier putting items into a  mailbox in front of a home in a quiet residential neighborhood in Dublin around 4:30 p.m. 

Suddenly, a masked man comes up behind the mail carrier, followed by a second person also masked.

You can tell an election is just around the corner, because suddenly this is a big problem for Dems like Rep. Eric Swalwell:


Dude, really?

Who wants to tell him?

It's nice of Swalwell to give everybody a reason not to vote for Democrats in November.

In other words:

At this point, the DNC's logo should be that hot dog meme.

"Fix all the problems Democrats created by voting for more Democrats," say the Democrats. The definition of insanity comes to mind yet again.

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