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Latest Swing State Polls Show Biden Campaign's 'Economy's Great' Approach Backfiring Badly

Harris screenshot meme

There are two very different economies in the United States: The one Biden and the Democrats would like everybody to believe exists...


The White House's economic strategy is basically to hope everybody's stupid.

Then there's the economy that ordinary Americans are seeing: 

There's also this:

Add it all up and most people know "Bidenomics" sucks.


All that's continuing to be reflected in swing state polls (combined with the effects of Biden's open border and other things). Biden's economic advisers will look at this and conclude that they're not lying hard enough and the media's not carrying enough of their water: 


Brace for even more gaslighting in response to this:

President Joe Biden’s recent polling bump in key battleground states has mostly evaporated as a deep current of pessimism about the trajectory of the US economy hurts his standing with voters.

The April Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll found Biden is ahead in just one of the seven states most likely to determine the outcome of his matchup with Donald Trump, leading Michigan by 2 percentage points. Biden trails the presumptive GOP nominee slightly in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and his deficit in Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and North Carolina is larger.

Biden and the Democrats are having a lot of trouble selling their economic BS.


If the gains were ever really there in the first place.

Unfortunately, many people find themselves in that situation during these awesome times of "Bidenomics."

And they're trying to squeeze it all in before the election takes place while ironically accusing Trump of being the one who's trying to influence elections.


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