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'Biden's Newest Handler': #EarthDay Brought Biden and AOC MUCH Closer Together (Caption This Vid)

Sarah D.

Monday was Earth Day, and President Biden marked the occasion by reminding everybody we're all about to die unless Democrats are allowed to print and spend a lot more money to lower global temperatures: 


"Young Americans" were the focus, mostly because there's an election coming up and the Biden White House knows they need to freak them out as much as possible.

That's where Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came in handy for Biden, and AOC tried to reel in the pro-Hamas young "green" lefties while Biden praised her: 

And just like that, AOC got way closer to Biden. They were attached at the hip like money and... somebody who can smell money: 

Wow, they really hit it off: 

In THIS world, apparently.


Clearly AOC knows where the money is, and what better mentor than "The Big Guy"?

Ocasio-Cortez knows how the game is played, according to Jesse Kelly:

Watch out, Kamala -- a replacement could be in your future!

That would be a LONG video.

Oh, and because Earth Day tends to attract even more socialists, Bernie Sanders was also there:

Yep, all is well! 


The Swamp is a miraculous place where certain things are acceptable and normal as long as you're in the preferred political party.

Yeah, it looked like another one of those "Visiting Angels" commercials, except much more frightening.

There's a great "caption this" game to be played with that Biden/AOC video.

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