Today many Democrats, including Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, are marking the anniversary of the most ironic and deceptively titled piece of legislation until the Inflation Reduction Act, and that's the Affordable Care Act.
Obama's notorious "if you like your plan you can keep it" promise even earned a "Lie of the Year" distinction from the normally Dem-friendly Politifact a few years ago because the law precipitated millions of people losing their existing plans.
Fourteen years ago today, I signed the Affordable Care Act into law.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) March 23, 2024
Afterwards, one Republican member of the House called the ACA the “most dangerous piece of legislation ever passed in Congress.” Another predicted the country would “never recover from it.”
But then something…
As usual with Obama, BS has been detected.
That entire line “if you like your plan you can keep your plan” became a punchline bc of how much of a lie it was. And everyone knew it. And now Obama’s touting that legislation like it’s something to be celebrated and proud of. Landmark garbage.
— Vanessa (@Nessakins_) March 23, 2024
The White House also has a video out also marking the occasion featuring Joe "big effin' deal" Biden, Barack "if you like your plan you can keep it" Obama and Nancy "we have to pass it to find out what's in it" Pelosi.
Take a look at this 11-second clip, which has so many cuts it looks like the White House hired the person who edited the fight scenes in Liam Neeson's "Taken" movies:
Biden's handlers were forced to awkwardly splice this propaganda video together because of his inability to read the giant teleprompter.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 23, 2024
Then they passed it off as "live," even though it was recorded yesterday so Biden could retreat to Delaware.
So much BS! And we can't help but wonder how long it took for the White House to put the entire video together.
This was clearly not live and probably took too a dozen takes and this was the best they got. 😂
— Mayor (@Mayoralpodcast) March 23, 2024
Just imagine the outtakes from Biden.
Look how Joe was using his finger to follow the words in the teleprompter.
— Sandy 〽️ (@RightGlockMom) March 23, 2024
They actually showcased Biden's puppet masters with him in this one.
— Giacomo Carnevale (@GiacomoCarnvale) March 23, 2024
The questions were scripted, and the answers were even more scripted:
Biden answers a staged question by slurring through an answer written on his giant teleprompter
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 23, 2024
And of course they had to include some lies about Biden's opponent Donald Trump:
Biden, flanked by Obama and Pelosi, again peddles the debunked lie that "Trump told us to inject ourselves with bleach."
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 23, 2024
Trump never told people to inject bleach, but if the Left's still in the mood to mock somebody, Biden did once advise people to "fire the shotgun through the door."
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