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Sit DOWN! Hillary Clinton Slams 'Election Deniers' Unless SHE (or any Dem) Does It


It seems that Hillary Clinton has been extra bitter lately. Election years probably bring back bad memories not unlike the times Hillary's in a greenhouse and looks up to see an unbroken glass ceiling. 

But I'm not here to rub it in or point and laugh... except just one more time: 

Heh! Sorry, I just had to get that one out of my system for the millionth time.

Now onto more projection from the two-time failed presidential candidate who lost to Donald Trump. Either Hillary knows she's full of s**t when she accuses somebody else of being an "election denier" or she's truly that delusional and is allowed to remain that way because she won't agree to be interviewed by anybody who will call out her BS.

Here's yet another example: 

First of all, if an economy that's got some major issues and Biden, allowing millions to flow illegally across the border and endless funding of proxy wars is "progress," no thanks.

Secondly, Clinton can take all the seats with the "election denier" stuff.

Hillary Clinton, meet Hillary Clinton:

This sound like a whole lot of "election denial," Hillary:

And of course it's not just Hillary. Her entire side of the aisle does it, but the game as usual is to accuse Trump of doing everything they do: 

Hillary Clinton and the Democrats only want people to think elections can be "rigged" if the Republican wins. When the Democrat comes out on top, we had the "freest and fairest election in history." 

If the mainstream media weren't irreparably dishonest water carriers for the Democrats that hypocrisy would get pointed out more often. 


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