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AP Tries and Fails to Convince Americans They've Seen a 'Surge in Wealth' Since 2020


President Biden's polling numbers on the economy (and many other things) are dismal. According to the White House and their friendlies in the media that's because most Americans are incapable of grasping how Bidenomics has turned the country into an economic utopia.


The Associated Press has continued to do the heavy lifting on behalf of this administration heading into an election next year: 

Did Biden's economic advisers write this story?

The people who wrote that story probably don't even believe it but they know what their job is, and it isn't actual journalism. Here's a snip from the water-carrying article

The jump in wealth occurred even as the brief but brutal pandemic recession cost 20 million Americans their jobs in 2020. Extensive government relief aid, totaling about $5 trillion, helped spur a rapid recovery that regained the lost jobs much faster than had been true after the 2008-2009 recession. The additional spending, though, is believed to have helped fuel the worst bout of inflation in four decades.

The broad-based wealth increase helps explain the surprising durability of the U.S. economy this year and the consumer spending that powers about two-thirds of it. For at least a year, economists have been warning of a forthcoming recession. Yet the economy has kept chugging along.


It depends on what your definition of "chugging along" is.

It seems to be working out well for "The Big Guy" and his pals. Others, not so much.

Nobody's buying the "Bidenomics is great" gaslighting, but that won't stop the media from trying:


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