President Biden and the White House are again attempting to buy votes with another attempt at student loan "cancellation" (actually it would just transfer the burden to taxpayers and worsen the national debt, which nobody in DC seems too concerned about "canceling").
Some in Congress, including Republican Rep. Mike Kelly, have pointed out that "forgiven" isn't the right word to use:
No student loan is forgiven. The debt is just transferred onto the backs of the American taxpayers.
— Rep. Mike Kelly (@MikeKellyPA) October 4, 2023
Because the Biden White House is full of only the biggest of dirtbags, they fired back at the above GOP congressman in a familiar way:
Congressional Republican math is complaining about student debt relief while having $987,237 of your own PPP loans forgiven.
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) October 5, 2023
These kinds of horrendously overreaching tools in government shut down businesses, gave owners money so they and their employees could still survive, and now hold it over their heads when anybody questions their endless printing of money to basically buy votes.
The White House continually gets away with this lie because establishment media refuses to call it out.
— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) October 5, 2023
It's also very likely that many in the media, who aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer, don't understand why the comparison isn't valid.
Plus, it was passed by Congress, not executive fiat.
— Sandy 〽️ (@RightGlockMom) October 6, 2023
The Biden White House hopes everybody's too stupid to know the vast difference. Judging from some of the replies to the Republican Rep, in some cases those hopes are realized.
As far as I know there was no forgiveness clause in any student loan. You've compared a kumquat to a watermelon.
— LincolnHillsFrau (@bayareahausfrau) October 6, 2023
And nobody essentially forced them to borrow the money.
We’re the student loans designed from inception to be forgiven like the PPP loans were?
— Enguerrand VII de Coucy (@ingelramdecoucy) October 5, 2023
PPP loans were not meant to be paid back. You know this.
— The🐰FOO-BOO🎃 (@PolitiBunny) October 6, 2023
The PPP loans aren't forgiven. They are wiped out per the terms of the contract when the loans were issued.
— Holden (@Holden114) October 6, 2023
But since the White House wants to talk about math:
Peak White House math is not knowing how your own program works
— Daniel Reid (@danielp_reid) October 6, 2023
They're certainly hoping nobody else knows how it worked as well. Loans from the Paycheck Protection Program could be forgiven if the employer kept the number of employees and wages where they were before the shutdowns. Now these clowns in the White House want to rub it in the face of anybody who questions student loan "forgiveness" -- because they're such compassionate people.
Have a great weekend everybody!