It's another day of the week that ends in a "Y," so that means the Biden administration wants to send a few billion more dollars to another country while there's an invasion happening at our own borders:
BREAKING: President Joe Biden will ask Congress to provide more than $13 billion in emergency aid to Ukraine, another massive infusion of cash as the Russian invasion wears on, a person familiar with the matter told AP.
— The Associated Press (@AP) August 10, 2023
On the same topic, CNN had a group of Republicans on and asked them a question that seems to have triggered a couple of the hosts:
CNN: "If you think the United States should be supporting Ukraine in the fight against Putin, raise your hand."
— (@townhallcom) August 10, 2023
VOTER: *crickets*
CNN: "Nobody?"
On that note, CNN's Dana Bash was pretty upset that Republicans consume news media that lies to them:
CNN's Dana Bash:
— (@townhallcom) August 10, 2023
Republicans are "seeped in completely conspiratorial questions and thoughts..."
She says Republican voters are conspiracy theorists because they "consume conservative media who don't tell them the whole truth."
Does Bash know she works for CNN?
Meanwhile, John King joined the irony party this way:
CNN's John King:
— (@townhallcom) August 10, 2023
Listening to Republican voters who are skeptical of support for Ukraine is "like watching the open of an old Tucker Carlson show..."
"They're good people...They go to Church! But they believe things that would break our fact-check machine...And they don't trust…
Our irony detector just exploded... again.
😂 “They don’t trust us!”
— Nicholas Barry (@NicholasJBarry) August 10, 2023
That's just hilarious coming from people who work for the cable news network that frequently hosted Dan Rather, Michael Avenatti and others on a show called "Reliable Sources."
CNN just hired two former Comms Directors from the Biden Administration.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) August 10, 2023
And those people will totally tell the truth all the time! (Cue eye roll)
“we lied for over a decade about trivial things and big things alike! We became a simple tool for the DCCC, and now these people won’t trust us!”
— Steve Garron (@stevengarron1) August 10, 2023
cry more @JohnKingCNN .
You and your network will be studied years from now as being the reason for the collapse of journalism.
Russian collusion and Russian disinformation have been memory-holed by the left.
— Kelkat (@Tweetytweeter63) August 10, 2023
Somebody on CNN saying other media outlets spread lies is the biggest example of projection ever.
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