Every year when July rolls around it again becomes clear that it's the media alarmists' favorite month. Why? Summer is hot, and so is "climate change" (unless it's super cold during winter in which case that's also because of climate change but we'll get to that in a few months).
And with that, USA Today has published a story titled "Summers are always hot. Here's how we know climate change is making summer 2023 hotter."
The story starts this way:
Summers are always hot. But this summer is different in some profound ways.
Record-breaking temperatures are hitting multiple cities. Phoenix recorded an unprecedented nineteen consecutive days over 110 degrees. Death Valley reached 128 on Sunday. Records are falling everywhere.
It's not your imagination: This is not a typical summer.
The extreme temperatures being recorded this summer are the result of the combination of natural variations within the climate system and human-caused climate change, with a hefty serving of El Niño thrown in.
You know this drill -- because it's the same every summer.
Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) has a thread that puts the USA Today article into a shredder, and then tosses the shreds back into the shredder to turn them into confetti.
USA Today's @eweise:
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) July 19, 2023
"Summers are always hot. Here's how we know climate change is making summer 2023 hotter."
Let's take this BS apart. 1/https://t.co/8TjuFyC6Y1 via @usatoday
Ready for some inconvenient truth?
— Michael Quinn Sullivan 🇺🇸 (@MQSullivan) July 19, 2023
Real climate science - read this!!! https://t.co/3Oeg84ke1G
Epic thread debunking global warming/heat wave myth.
— Keith Appell (@KeithAppell) July 19, 2023
👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://t.co/vgFV54BJQD
Turn on your air conditioning, because it's about to get even hotter:
Sorry USA Today @eweise, but:
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) July 19, 2023
1. Record temperatures hit multiple cities every summer.
2. Phoenix had 18 consecutive days of 110°F heat in 1974... much CO2 and urban heat island effect ago.
3. Death Valley hit 134°F in 1934... much CO2 ago. 2/ pic.twitter.com/Yx3mDq7x85
USA Today @eweise invokes the all-purpose and mystical "human-caused climate change," without explaining what she means.
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) July 19, 2023
Weather and climate are driven by "natural variation," which doesn't bother to explain other than to mention El Nino.
If she did explain "natural variation,"… pic.twitter.com/lJfZSc9nsF
USA Today @eweise cites UCLA climate shaman Daniel Swain @Weather_West for the proposition that we have finally hit some sort of tipping point climate-wise and that all hot days are made worse by climate change.
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) July 19, 2023
First, the notion of a climate tipping point is entirely invented… pic.twitter.com/Cjm6qgmafn
It feels like the alarmists have been telling us for DECADES that we're hitting a "tipping point" (it feels like that because it's been happening over and over again).
They're starting to realize that people have noticed:
But USA Today @eweise doesn't want readers to despair and lose interest in the climate hoax.
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) July 19, 2023
So she has UCLA climate shaman @Weather_West walk back his tipping point scare.
Climate is such a con. 5/ pic.twitter.com/eEto5SJb4b
USA Today @eweise and UCLA climate shaman @Weather_West get "stair-stepping" 100% wrong.
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) July 19, 2023
We have been stair-stepping slightly warmer since about 1980... due to a series of El Ninos, each one representing incremental warming.
The notion that steadily-increasing emissions cause… pic.twitter.com/I8C9kZApfy
USA Today @eweise next runs through a litany of factoids for how she knows it's "that hot."
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) July 19, 2023
First up is June was the hottest June in 174 years.
This is so stupid.
As admitted by the Climate Reanalyzer folks, average global temperature has been boosted by a satellite-detected… pic.twitter.com/CzyMFBd6CC
Although USA Today @eweise fancies herself a reporter, she seems think that the there were no temperatures before NOAA's claimed "record."
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) July 19, 2023
First, and as discussed previously, NOAA's "record" is not so good.
Next, there is good reason to think that the Earth was warmer as… pic.twitter.com/3iZAMk8Uk6
Naturally USA Today couldn't publish another pile of eco-alarmism without invoking Michael Mann:
USAToday @eweise relies on fake Nobelist @MIchaelEMann for the proposition that anyone knows global temperature.
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) July 19, 2023
First, "average global temperature" is a bogus concept. https://t.co/0MwYUF0dzm
As we learned from the Climate Reanalyzer fiasco, mentioned earlier, no one has any… pic.twitter.com/YqlwiYe73R
According to many of these people, everybody already died over 20 years ago.
USA Today climate propagandist @eweise expects you to believe that any unusual weather is "climate change."
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) July 19, 2023
But atmospheric scientist Judith Curry has lots of explanations for the North Atlantic warming and none of them have anything to do with emissions. https://t.co/Atz9lsNGRY… pic.twitter.com/wCc5xC626t
USA Today @eweise closes by pulling out the always-bogus weather-attribution card.
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) July 19, 2023
Weather attribution is probability malpractice where outcomes are pre-determined by the junk models employed. https://t.co/BRRGMwDOeH
Weather attribution is just a computer modeler seance. 11/ pic.twitter.com/wL1ooHsQAr
And rest assured next summer will bring with it more media "hot" takes about how the summer of 2024 is EVEN HOTTER than the summer of 2023, and so on.
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