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Adam Schiff tries to raise money off of being further exposed as a lying worm

Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff is a serial liar and one of the most shameless members of Congress. Schiff spent years saying he’d seen lots of evidence of “Trump/Russia collusion” while ironically accusing Trump of pushing “the big lie” about the 2020 election.

Here’s a montage of Schiff saying Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election:

“I can’t go into the particulars” about Trump colluding with Russia was correct, because he was lying.

Now that the Durham report has been released, it’s been confirmed that Schiff and many other Dems (and media) were full of it the entire time.

So what’s Schiff do next? Apologize or admit he was wrong?

Of course not!

Schiff, who has his sights set on a Senate seat, is actually fundraising off of any attempts to expel him from the House, all under the guise of holding Republicans accountable:

That lecture about accountability is something else coming from the congressman who needs to be held accountable (but probably won’t — is any Dem ever?).

Schiff really is one of — if not the — biggest dirtbag in Congress. And the competition is stiff.

Instead Schiff is fundraising off of his shamelessness and lies.

That’s what Schiff does, except he keeps getting invited on cable news channels to spread his lies and they’ll keep on doing it.



Rep. Adam Schiff tells MSNBC the FBI had a good reason to investigate Trump


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