Hillary Clinton has been increasingly making the media round lately, and maybe she’s considering taking yet another shot at the presidency in 2024. Obviously Donald Trump remains burned into Hillary’s brain after all this time, and even though Vladimir Putin didn’t invade Ukraine until well over a year into Biden’s presidency, guess who’s to blame for his aggression:
.@HillaryClinton: Not enough members of the press are focused on attacking Trump’s “naiveté”
“We have to call it out. More people in the press and in politics need to be doing that.” pic.twitter.com/bFsywze6ZI
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 25, 2022
“Naiveté”? Does Clinton or anybody in the Biden White House really want to go there?
How’s that “reset” going?
— Tim Kelley (@timkelley1521) February 25, 2022
Speaking of naivete… pic.twitter.com/hcPVPtIGYI
— Max Diesel (@MaxDieselRI) February 25, 2022
Speaking of naïveté… pic.twitter.com/nYpwuJuJAg
— D. Taggart (@bee_buffalo) February 25, 2022
Self-awareness is incredibly hard for some.
Clearly, there’s a lack of anti-Trump rhetoric in the press. https://t.co/bjpLTvJR2g
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) February 25, 2022
Rent free forever. https://t.co/UUsR73wMFS
— Michael Trumper (@MichaelC0717) February 25, 2022
Isn't it rather funny that Morning Joe who is singly responsible for giving Trump his foothold in 15 now has HRC on to attack him?
And to attack him about a war over a year after he left. https://t.co/pQhIuUNGCy
— Dog guy (@Catsorange1) February 25, 2022
The Dems sure know who in the media they can count on.
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