It’s time once again to play another game of…
“Who ya gonna believe, us or your lying eyes?”
— H.L. Chiselfritz (@RotNScoundrel) December 22, 2021
There’s been a lot of that going on since the Biden administration took over operations at the White House, and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg did his part with a tweet today:
Shelves are stocked.
Retailers anticipate their best year ever.
That's because workers, businesses – and our President & administration – stepped up.
— Secretary Pete Buttigieg (@SecretaryPete) December 22, 2021
Dems such as Donna Brazile used Buttigieg’s tweet to praise Biden:
Thank you @POTUS for your awesome leadership and dedication to helping us get through #COVID19.
— Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) December 22, 2021
Wait, we’re through the pandemic now? In any case, what Buttigieg tweeted hasn’t been the experience of many:
When you have to tweet out propaganda like this, it speaks for itself really
— Benjamin Weingarten (@bhweingarten) December 22, 2021
They’re overdoing it quite a bit, but they know that:
And 100 ships are anchored out. Fix it.
— GrandMomsterMel (@MomsterMel) December 22, 2021
There are still over a 100 ships waiting at the Port of LA… Actually now more than before the Biden administration took action.
— Pradheep J. Shanker (@Neoavatara) December 22, 2021
Nope, that’s not happening (according to Biden)!
I have to go to three supermarkets for my weekly shopping because there are unpredictable shortages for basic staples all the time
and everything costs more
maybe you should take another two month maternity leave
— Daniel Greenfield – "Hang Together or Separately" (@Sultanknish) December 22, 2021
First sentence is a bald face lie
Stopped reading after that
— Renegade Poet (@PoetAshes) December 22, 2021
— thebradfordfile (@thebradfordfile) December 22, 2021
There's no egg nog at the local Food Lion – and the shelves are not full… and what is available is more expensive…
There's a continued supply chain crisis that no amount of propaganda from @SecretaryPete will change his and @JoeBiden's failure…— Tony Shaffer (@T_S_P_O_O_K_Y) December 22, 2021
Not my grocery store's shelves. Since not even 50% federal workers show up to work, I would imagine DC's shelves are stocked, but not in the real world.
Stepped up? Puhleeze, he can't even get up a flight of stairs without tripping…. 3 times.
— BayAreaFrau (@bayareahausfrau) December 22, 2021
This is a total lie; they are telling you you're not seeing those empty shelves & missing things with your own eyes. #BidenShippingCrisis #LetsGoBrandon
— David Morgan (@StarCoreOne02) December 22, 2021
What planet are you living on, Pete?
— Don’t Be Ignorant (@dontbei) December 22, 2021
This administration really hopes everybody believes them over their lying eyes.
Does the Biden admin actually believe if they keep repeating that everything is fantastic we’ll fall in line and agree?
— ShredderGirl (@ShredderBabe) December 22, 2021
That seems to be the strategy.