Climate change warrior and giant eco-hypocrite Al Gore was pleased to join his fellow travelers this week in Scotland for the COP26 conference:
Today in Glasgow, young people from around the world are taking to the streets for #FridaysForFuture. To all those in the halls of #COP26, now is the time to listen to their voices and act. Their future is in your hands.
— Al Gore (@algore) November 5, 2021
The elites have been jotting down their wish list of regulations and restrictions all in the name of halting what they claim is the existential threat of climate change. Gore also supports something that would make even George Orwell cringe:
Al Gore says satellites will serve as “neighborhood watch” to monitor compliance with emissions pledges
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) November 5, 2021
Give Al a new name:
Al gOrwell
— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) November 5, 2021
And guess what the satellites Gore wants won’t be used for:
Will those satellites track all his trips on his private jets and the energy being used in his mansions?
— Mike Parker (@MJP1313) November 5, 2021
The emissions from the 400 private jets that were in Scotland for the climate summit will definitely be exempt from the Left’s monitoring.
"Neighborhood Watch" – This should ring the Alarm-Bell! Big Brother is Watching YOU!
— Markus Gisel (@markusgisel) November 5, 2021
If your aren't scared of this kind of thinking, you should reconsider.
— John Loeffler (@JohnLoeffler5) November 5, 2021
Would Biden’s 85-car motorcade show up on the climate alert satellite system?
That's a bit much 😵
— Liz 🦄 (@XLSandWine) November 5, 2021
— Wiktor M (@WiktorM15) November 5, 2021
First the emissions of Gore, Bezos, Biden and others need to be monitored for a year or two and made public so we can compare them to our own (as if that would ever be allowed to happen).