A violent incident has taken place, and it occurred in a mailer featuring books that are for sale. One such book was deemed offensive by some, and a big apology was apparently in order:
Wait, what?
"Serious violent incident" https://t.co/w4HHpjkqSr
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 15, 2021
"violent incident"
A book that says stuff you don't agree with is "violence," but torching someone's store is "speech."
It's bat-guano insane stuff like this that has even many trans allies thinking the Left are completely unbalanced. https://t.co/Hqk59kmtLX
— Donny Ferguson (@DonnyFerguson) July 15, 2021
Reduced to pretending a book is violence.
It’s embarrassing. https://t.co/9PJVzCj7rA
— Mulder’s Unapologetic Trailer Park Dispatches (@proteinwisdom) July 15, 2021
Welcome to America.
Rioters burning a pawn shop and suffocating a person inside is not violence.
Mailing a book is violence.
— Friend of the Talking Bird (@DrugGovoruna) July 15, 2021
We’ve officially entered the Upside-Down.
The book burners are the bad guys. Just FYI.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) July 15, 2021
Imagine selling books for a living and not knowing what "violent" means https://t.co/0a9SdDbVYI
— jimtreacher.substack.com (@jtLOL) July 15, 2021
Hyperbole is linguistic murder.
— Strxwmxn 🌵 (@strxwmxn) July 15, 2021
What was the title of the supposed "anti-trans" book or do you expect us just to take your word on it, like you expect us to be happy with censorship?
— Keri Smith, Unsafe Space (@ksemamajama) July 15, 2021
This is apparently the book in question:
This appears to be a reference to @AbigailShrier’s book. “Harm” from reading the title vs the “irreversible damage” done to teen girls in the name of “transition.” https://t.co/4BZFAH69rx
— Inez Stepman ⚪️🔴⚪️ (@InezFeltscher) July 15, 2021
American Booksellers Association is having a craven, gutless meltdown about mentioning a book by @AbigailShrier that some woke activists don't like.
If you think the American publishing industry defends freedom of thought, you are delusional. https://t.co/nZAjG0svNm
— Geoffrey Miller (@primalpoly) July 15, 2021
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