In the past few years, you’ve heard about books and articles written about things Donald Trump allegedly said and did that are based on unnamed sources, and because of the “Orange Man Bad” factor the media expects them to be automatically believed.
There’s another book coming out that will allow CNN, MSNBC and others to satisfy their Trump cravings, and Washington Post reporter Ashley Parker gave the book several plugs on Twitter, including this one:
“Beat the f*ck out” of the civil rights protestors, Trump told his top law enforcement and military officials. “Just shoot them.” CNN w the latest from @MichaelCBender’s great new book.
Which you can and should pre-order here—>— Ashley Parker (@AshleyRParker) June 24, 2021
First of all, “civil rights protesters”? That’s a debatable way to put it. Wait, it’s not even debatable:
Even if these accounts were true, framing the rioters and looters—the target of Trump's remarks—as "civil rights protestors" draws attention to the dishonest nature of this palace intrigue report.
— Jay (@OneFineJay) June 25, 2021
"Civil rights protestors."
False, this is in reference to rioters.
— RBe (@RBPundit) June 25, 2021
Domestic terrorists who attack cops & innocent people, burn down buildings, activate bombs, etc. are not civil rights protesters. Dr King never condoned any of that kind of behavior when I grew up in #GA. #FactsMatter
— MainStreet Voice (@VoiceMainstreet) June 25, 2021
What a load of bullshit. No way Trump said this about "civil rights protesters," he was clearly talking about people attacking cops, burning cities to the ground, and tearing down statues … also known as domestic terrorists.
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) June 25, 2021
Possibly he was describing Soros funded Marxist movements like Extinction Rebellion and BLM who do Soros bidding to destroy society.
Truth always wins— Craig Havenaar 🇦🇺 (@Havenaar64) June 25, 2021
CiViL rIgHtS pRoTeStOrS
— SoothingDave (@SoothingDave) June 25, 2021
And here’s a question:
Ashley, what is your husband’s name?
— Joe Biden’s Dementia, M.D. (@B737CA) June 25, 2021
Well, it just happens to be the same name as the author of the book — what a coincidence:
How awesome for @ashleyRparker to sell her husband’s book to her half million followers to increase her household income. Meanwhile neither she nor her @washingtonpost husband, (both ostensibly news “news reporters”) REPORTED THIS when they first found out.
— Rabid Badger 🦡 (@RabidBadger) June 25, 2021
I'm shocked, shocked, to discover that you, a "journalist", are promoting your "journalist" husband's book!
Actually, no, that's about what I expect from "journalists" these days.
— Tony Schroeder (@schroedertony) June 25, 2021
Weird how the quotes stop after “beat the f—k out” and then goes to the author…….Which happens to be your husband. LOL. You can’t make this stuff up!
— Tony the Frog Wildn’ Out (@realTonyTheFrog) June 25, 2021
It’s the “journalism” circle of life!
Also, as usual, years worth of breathless media reports that turned out to be BS have caused a good level of healthy skepticism:
Is it true, or did you hear it from CNN?
— 𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥'𝔰 𝔊𝔲𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔞 𝔓𝔦𝔤 4.0🇺🇲 (@DeathsGuineaPig) June 25, 2021
Let me guess : there were no witnesses to these conversations.
— CripesSuzette (@CripesSuzette) June 25, 2021
If you’re going to produce effective fiction, you have to get the voice right.
This is a colossal fail.
— Mulder’s Unapologetic Trailer Park Dispatches (@proteinwisdom) June 25, 2021
They're so obsessed with Trump that they're now writing really bad fanfic.
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) June 25, 2021
Unfortunately it’s not the end of it.
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