There are several candidates for Broward County sheriff, but the South Florida Sun Sentinal thinks that a former sheriff who Gov. Ron DeSantis removed from his post in January of 2019 should get the job back:
Endorsement: Despite the past, Broward Democrats should nominate Scott Israel for sheriff
— South Florida Sun Sentinel (@SunSentinel) July 17, 2020
Dana Loesch leads off the parade of disbelief:
The @SunSentinel writes " Israel could not have prevented the tragedy. The school system was more to blame.” Despite REPEATED police visits
and 39 calls— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) July 17, 2020
The Sun Sentinel previously slammed Israel and his department after the Parkland mass shooting:
Sun Sentinel called Israel’s leadership “disasterous”
The Sun hates Ron DeSantis so much they’ll back an embarrassment to the badge whose incompetency cost lives. The Sun is garbage.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) July 17, 2020
His officers cowered. Rot comes from the head and he was it. He then went on CNN the next night, knowing his officers hid, and tried to blame the NRA and everyone else under the sun. Children lost their lives thanks to his ineptness. Trash journalism.
— ML (@just_mindy) July 17, 2020
Other than all that, sure, give him the job back. *Eye roll*
Despite the work that this newspaper did in showing how so many people let the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School down that awful day, this newspaper has decided to shrug it off because nbd, right?
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 17, 2020
This incompetent POS went on national TV pointing fingers at others who had nothing to do with this incident knowing his deputy hid outside the school like a coward and you want to put him back in office.
— BT (@back_ttys) July 17, 2020
Delete your paper.
— AmishDude (@TheAmishDude) July 17, 2020
Our 4th Estate continues to beclown itself. #EnemyOfThePeople
— Lowell George Washington (@deanriehm) July 17, 2020
— GingerMommy (@GretasBlazer) July 17, 2020
I don’t even know what to say. The man got kids killed.
— George Smith (@P1B_WMichigan) July 17, 2020
This is a new low, @SunSentinel.
— Hey, careful man! There's a (@Beverage_Here) July 17, 2020
The media really needs to be defunded. This is grotesque
— Manifest Destiny? (@finalbid2) July 17, 2020
Are you serious?????
— J (@J_is_for_jedi) July 17, 2020
so we know now that after being fired (for being a gd disgrace) that Scott Israel now manages the @SunSentinel Twitter account
— Gianbattista (@gbtiepolo1) July 17, 2020
— NCMan77 (@Man77Nc) July 17, 2020
The ratio is growing rapidly.
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